Easter Table Decoration - Folded Easter Bunny Napkin

2nd Apr 2021

Easter Table Decoration - Folded Easter Bunny Napkin

We thought we would share this Easter napkin folding design with you.

It is a fun way to add an extra design element to your table setting that is cheap and pretty quick to do (you'll get faster as you go!)

We used paper napkins. You can use plain, coloured or patterned. 

We have a few tips... 

1. If using a one sided design, start with the pattern side facing towards you. 

2. The larger the napkin the better... the pattern has quite a few folds so small, thin napkins can get fiddly.

3. Use a small flat bladed knife to help tuck the napkin into itself in the final stage. Push it right in, and it will help it be nice and  tight  and stay together. 

Here's a link to a great tutorial... it has pictures, a diagram and a video. 

Bunny Napkin Fold

Have Fun!