There are three anointing spoons in this listing.
The earliest is hallmarked for sterling silver to the bowl for London 1902 by Silversmiths B.G & Co. The back of the finial is also hallmarked but the marks are indecipherable. This is the longest spoon which features a throne to the finial. This spoon was originally gilded but much of the gilding has worn away. This spoon is 128mm long. It has a 2 nicks to the edge of the bowl shown in the photos.
The smallest spoon is hallmarked for Birmingham, 1910 with makers mark Levi and Salaman. It is ion very good condition with bright gilding and good form. It is 96mm long.
The last spoon is hallmarked fro Birmingham 1952 with the head of Queen Elizabeth included in the hallmark. Coronation didn't occur until 1953. The maker mark is Adie Bros Ltd. This spoon is 109mm long and has good form and gilding.
The three spoons weigh 31.8gms in total.